More efficient generator, new History, GDPR and more
Dear timetablers,
Following our goal to make timetabling easier for anyone, we have created 10+ video tutorials packed with tons of helpful info so you can be more productive with your scheduling tasks. As always, based on your feedback the app is constantly being improved. Listed below you will find the changes related to the latest Prime Timetable release and these are:
Generator works better in modern browsers
Automatic generation has been additionally optimized to give you the best results when working on challenging timetables. Thanks to the latest and ever advancing web technologies automatic generator works equally well in any modern browser: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge or Opera.
GDPR Rights for Data Portability and Erasure
New Privacy Policy clarifies what information we collect and how we use it but there are also some new features. For example, you can now download your personal data archive or delete your school account in a more automated way.
Undo any change using the new History
Explore different timetable solutions and safely revert changes at any time using the new History panel. Customize the number of remembered states in the options. By default, the last 100 states are remembered.
Easier integration with other apps
Timetables are stored in the new 2.0 format and the app consumes new RESTful APIs enabling a much easier integration with other apps. Old timetables can still be imported by choosing Owl > Open > Open from File.
Other improvements
- The term "activity" is now used instead of "lesson". Subjects, teachers, classes/groups and rooms are displayed using full names in the activities grid (switch to short names by clicking "Total" in the statistics above the grid). Similar activities are not longer grouped together which allows organizing activities any way you like.
- Group sets and groups are redesigned to appear more grid-like so you can control the order of group sets and their groups using up and down arrows in the bottom right corner of the grid or copy group sets to other classes using Copy button.
- Collaboration is further improved so the timetablers can simultaneously work on the same resource within a timetable and all saved changes will be seamlessly synced and merged across any device you or your colleagues might be using.
- Custom periods can be reordered by moving them from one default period to another using up and down arrows in the bottom right corner of the grid.
- Merge two timetables will additionally merge custom periods, groups and forbidden, unwanted and mandatory positions.
- Grid sort will immediately refresh the view. Use the new History panel to undo sort.
- Some windows, e.g. manage data or customize cards are non-modal now, so you can drag cards, switch views and similar without having to close them.
- Subject difficulty is set to medium by default.
- Check for the same short name is removed when importing activities.
- When you click the open icon multi-select in the grid is enabled so you can delete more timetables at once.
- Newly added cards have scheduled room(s) if desired room(s) are set.
- Experienced timetablers might want to uncheck "Show tips" option which is checked by default.
- Software is built using the latest web standards and therefore the old plugin app and support for Internet Explorer 9 and 10 has been removed. Although Internet Explorer 11 is still partially supported, consider installing a more modern browser instead.
- Lots of bug fixes, such as pinned unscheduled cards which can now be used in combination with clipped cards without causing any issues.
We hope you will enjoy new improvements and wish you happy scheduling!